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Robinhood AI (HOODAI) 은 2025에 출시된 암호화폐입니다. HOODAI의 현재 공급량은 42,069,000.00Bn이며 0가 유통되고 있습니다. HOODAI의 마지막으로 알려진 가격은 0 USD이며 지난 24시간 동안 0입니다. 현재 활성 시장에서 거래되고 있으며 지난 24시간 동안 $2.81가 거래되었습니다. 자세한 내용은 에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
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업데이트됨 3월 14, 2025 4:58 오전
Robinhood AI
엠캡 $0
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Ethereum Developers Launch New Testnet for Pectra Upgrade Evaluation
Ethereum Developers Launch New Testnet for Pectra Upgrade Evaluation
According to CoinDesk, Ethereum's core developers have decided to introduce a new testnet named Hooli to finalize the testing of the upcoming Pectra upgrade. This decision follows two problematic tests on the Sepolia and Holesky networks. Tim Beiko, who coordinates the core developers at the Ethereum Foundation, announced that Hooli will go live on Monday, with Pectra being tested on Wednesday, March 26. The test will involve upgrading the test chain to the new version of Ethereum to assess its performance and stability. Pectra aims to enhance Ethereum by making it faster, more efficient, and user-friendly for both users and developers. A notable feature of this upgrade is the addition of "smart contract" functionality to addresses, enabling user wallets to be programmed with new capabilities, such as paying transaction fees in currencies other than ETH. If the Hooli test is successful, developers plan to launch the upgrade approximately 30 days later, pending further testing. This timeline suggests that Ethereum users could see Pectra implemented on the main network by late April or early May. The creation of the Hooli testnet was necessitated by configuration errors during previous tests on Sepolia and Holesky, which hindered proper evaluation of the Pectra upgrade. Holesky, in particular, experienced significant downtime due to these issues. Test networks like Holesky, Sepolia, and Hooli are designed to mimic the main Ethereum network but are generally free to use and not intended for real value transactions. Major upgrades such as Pectra are typically trialed on these test networks before being deployed on the mainnet to avoid costly disruptions. Beiko noted that Sepolia and Holesky, which are now running Pectra successfully, serve distinct testing purposes. He advised developers to use Hooli for testing validator exits, while other aspects can be tested on Sepolia and Holesky. The technical challenges faced by Pectra arise during a difficult period for Ethereum, which is dealing with declining ETH prices, leadership changes at the Ethereum Foundation, and increasing competition from newer blockchains like Solana. Industry experts believe that the successful implementation of Pectra is vital for restoring confidence in Ethereum's technical roadmap.
3월 14, 2025 4:23 오전

자주 묻는 질문

  • Robinhood AI (HOODAI)의 역대 최고 가격은 얼마인가요?

    (HOODAI)의 역대 최고가는 0 미국 달러로, 1970-01-01에 기록되었으며 현재 코인 가격은 최고점 대비 0% 하락했습니다。 (HOODAI)의 역대 최고 가격은 0 미국 달러이며 현재 가격은 최고점 대비 0% 하락했습니다.

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  • Robinhood AI (HOODAI)의 유통량은 어떻게 되나요?

    2025-03-14 기준으로 현재 유통 중인 HOODAI의 양은 0입니다. HOODAI의 최대 공급량은 0입니다.

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  • Robinhood AI (HOODAI)의 시가총액은 어떻게 되나요?

    (HOODAI)의 현재 시가총액은 0입니다. 현재 공급량에 0의 실시간 시장 가격을 곱하여 계산됩니다.

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  • Robinhood AI (HOODAI)의 역대 최저 가격은 얼마인가요?

    (HOODAI)의 역대 최저가는 0 으로, 1970-01-01에 기록되었으며 현재 코인 가격은 최저점 대비 0% 상승했습니다。 (HOODAI)의 역대 최저 가격은 0 미국 달러이며 현재 가격은 최저점 대비 0% 상승했습니다.

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  • Robinhood AI (HOODAI)은(는) 좋은 투자인가요?

    Robinhood AI (HOODAI)의 시가총액은 $0이며 CoinMarketCap에서 #3692 순위입니다. 암호화폐 시장은 변동성이 매우 높으므로 직접 조사(DYOR)를 수행하고 위험 허용 범위를 평가하십시오. 또한 Robinhood AI(HOODAI) 가격 추세 및 패턴을 분석하여 HOODAI 구매에 가장 적합한 시기를 찾으세요.

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