According to PANews, a security incident involving a Telegram Safeguard scam has been highlighted by user @0xDiyaaa, emphasizing the need for increased security awareness as the year ends. The user encountered a risk to their assets after clicking a link disguised as a human verification link on a social media platform, which executed malicious commands. Fortunately, the user had a handwritten backup of their mnemonic phrase, allowing them to transfer assets promptly and erase their computer, preventing further loss.
Additionally, SlowMist founder Yu Jian noted that the scam has now extended to Mac users. When users encounter specific guides on Telegram, their clipboard may be compromised by malicious code, leading to severe security consequences if instructions are followed.
Users are advised to avoid clicking unknown links, particularly Telegram links in social media comment sections, and to back up wallet mnemonic phrases to respond quickly to emergencies.