The TON blockchain community "TON Token Economic Model Optimization Proposal" has now been approved. The proposal aims to reach a community consensus on the circulating supply of TON tokens, temporarily freeze inactive mining wallets for 48 months, and these wallets have never been activated And does not have any outgoing transfers in its history. According to the link in the proposal, there are currently 171 inactive mining wallets. These 171 wallets hold more than 1.081 billion TONs, accounting for about 21% of the current total TON supply. Among them, the inactive mining wallet with the largest balance The wallet address holds more than 112 million TON. The proposal states, “The results of the vote will not have a direct impact on network voting. However, the community trusts the network validators to seriously consider the community’s ideas.” According to Tonstarter, validators will vote on the proposal on February 21.