The Voyager Unsecured Creditors Committee, an encrypted lending platform, tweeted that it has reached a settlement agreement with Voyager and FTX/Alameda that effectively resolves the dispute between the two parties. The agreement not only protects resources, but also provides Voyager creditors with direct material benefits. Among other things, Alameda has agreed that it will withdraw its $75 million claim against Voyager, or distribute such claim to Voyager OpCo, which would be in the interest of Voyager creditors; Alameda has also agreed that it will forego any distributions that would result from Alameda's equity interest in Voyager rights, or contribute such equity to Voyager OpCo. In addition, all claims that Voyager may have against FTX/Alameda in connection with the failed sale transaction are preserved, FTX/Alameda will not oppose Voyager's bankruptcy plan, and the parties will settle Voyager's claims against FTX, FTX's priority claims against Voyager, and other matters Participate in expedited mediation.