According to Chainwire reports, the liquidity incentive layer project Fluidity has reached a cooperation with the cryptocurrency derivatives exchange Gains Network, aiming to integrate the encapsulated stablecoin fDAI with the decentralized synthetic leverage trading protocol gTrade platform, improve gTrade leverage trading capabilities, and expand fDAI use. Atlantean Emabssy is a partnership initiative of Fluidity that will bring together innovative DeFi projects like Gains Network to facilitate growth, writing and scaling within the ecosystem. Through the Atlantean Embassy, Gains Network will see the Fluid Switch activated and fDAI will not only reward its users, but also fill its treasury. Whenever there is a deposit in the fDAI vault, 80% will go to the user who made the deposit, and joining the Atlantean Emabssy will benefit the Gains Network by providing a new source of income through a unique partnership. As an Atlantean Emabssy member, Gains Network will be able to integrate the Fluidity Money revenue mechanism by integrating fDAI and creating fDAI treasury.