High Court Dismisses Wright's Appeal in McCormack Case
The U.K. Supreme Court denies Craig Wright's appeal in his libel case against Peter McCormack, upholding a nominal 1 GBP damage award.

The U.K. Supreme Court denies Craig Wright's appeal in his libel case against Peter McCormack, upholding a nominal 1 GBP damage award.
Computer scientist Craig Wright has lost a claim in a UK court to protect the Bitcoin blockchain by copyright.
Ripple CTO David Schwartz and self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor Craig Wright clashed for the first time around the X,mas holidays on Twitter.
The judge ruled that there was enough evidence for Hodlonaut to assume that Wright was lying about being Satoshi Nakamoto.
Craig Wright, the Bitcoin Satoshi Vision creator, will receive the outcome of his trial against Hodlonaut on Nov. 9, 2022.
Accusing the self-proclaimed Bitcoin founder of being a mentally ill scammer shouldn’t be allowed in a democracy, Wright’s lawyers said on the final day of an Oslo trial.
Closing statements on behalf of the Twitter user suggests the case could hinge on vagaries of Norwegian defamation law as much as BTC founder's identity.
Real Bedford Football Club nets another example of how Bitcoin grassroots adoption benefits the broader community.
Did this UK judge determine that Craig Wright’s reputation was worth 1£? You be the… judge. The “High Court Approved ...
Move over Heard Vs. Depp, Wright Vs. McCormack is here to command the world’s attention. On one corner, the only ...