Odaily Planet Daily News Decreasing Frictions in Defi hackathon MACI quadratic voting results have been announced on the global geek sports platform DoraHacks.io. After selection, a total of 5 outstanding projects (WiFi, Arcanum, CBIndex, Aisland Dex, and EZTrade DEX) entered the voting round. The judges from the 0x project and other teams participated in the MACI voting. The quadratic voting support of US$10,000 was already based on the votes of the judges. Results distribution, voting results and MACI Proof are available on the DoraHacks.io website.
The Decreasing Frictions in DeFi Hackathon is hosted by 0x Project and co-sponsored by Family, Polygon Labs and AWS. It aims to encourage DeFi application builders to explore and develop innovative financial applications based on ERC20 Token Swap to solve the inconvenience of financial applications in reality.