Odaily Planet Daily News Bitget has added EVM address batch withdrawal and batch upload address functions. This upgrade aims to simplify the existing process and improve the user's trading experience.
Users can batch withdraw the same currency from the same network to multiple addresses, which greatly shortens the operation time for users to withdraw cash from multiple addresses. Currently, Bitget batch withdrawal supports up to 50 addresses for simultaneous withdrawal, including on-chain withdrawal and internal transfer based on user ID. In addition, the bulk upload address function will replace manually adding EVM addresses. After the upgrade, users can easily add multiple addresses by uploading files, simplifying the process and reducing the risk of errors.
Gracy Chen, Managing Director of Bitget, said: "This product upgrade reflects Bitget's user-centric philosophy and our commitment to continuous improvement through our brand upgrade program 'Trade Smarter'. Our team firmly believes that the key to success is to provide traders with Providing simple, secure and efficient solutions. We will continue to enhance our products to provide cryptocurrency traders with the smartest tools in the industry.”