Coinlive is reporting at Asia Tech x Singapore (ATxSG) 2023 held at Singapore Expo! Reid Lim, CEO and Founder of vEarth is present to give the keynote speech titled “Metaverse Disruption: How Persistent Virtual Worlds Could Shape the Future of Broadcasting and Media”. In the realm of broadcasting and media, there exist evident gaps that warrant our attention. As we explore the potential of metaverses, intriguing avenues of disruption come to light. However, amidst this transformative landscape, it is crucial to acknowledge the accompanying risks and challenges that media and broadcasting face within the metaverse. What are the existing gaps in our current broadcasting and media practices, and how can we address them to enhance the overall experience? Furthermore, as metaverses continue to evolve, what disruptive possibilities lie on the horizon? Delving deeper, we must also scrutinise the risks and challenges that arise when media and broadcasting converge with the metaverse, ensuring a thorough understanding of the implications at hand.