How many cryptocurrencies have died in the blink of an eye?
Over 50% of cryptocurrencies have died. Since 2014, 14,039 of the more than 24,000 cryptocurrencies listed on CoinGecko have died.

Over 50% of cryptocurrencies have died. Since 2014, 14,039 of the more than 24,000 cryptocurrencies listed on CoinGecko have died.
Despite its meteoric rise since its launch, Friend.Tech has sparked a chorus of commendation within the crypto realm but also some voices resonate with a foresight that probes the possibility of burnout.
The vibrant Web3 atmosphere of the event attracted numerous ecological projects and collaborative activities.
Discover the potential of blockchain-based digital identity solutions in various industries.
She was shelved when the spin-off company that created her collapsed. Now she has been revived and she might just slam you.
The Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists' crypto and illicit finance expert says the industry needs to be more than "reluctant good citizens." This article is part of CoinDesk’s Sin Week.
Cardano's development team, Input Output has created a new light wallet which is called Lace. This new wallet comes with ...
While blockchain technology continues to extend and expand to various industries, its application hotspots are also undergoing rapid, even unimaginable changes.