U.S. law firm Kessler Topaz Meltzer & Check notified Coinbase investors that it has filed two securities class actions against Coinbase. Among them, Kessler Topaz Meltzer & Check claimed that Coinbase violated the federal securities laws, including omissions and fraudulent misrepresentations related to the company's business, operations and prospects, including Coinbase's filing with the US Securities Commission (SEC) in connection with the company's public offering in April 2021. The relevant registration statements and other documents made false or misleading statements, etc., which caused Coinbase investors to suffer substantial losses. Kessler Topaz Meltzer & Check Calls on Coinbase Investors to Seek Appointment as Lead Plaintiffs Representative for the Class through the Law Firm or Other Counsel No Later on October 3, 2022, or Can Choose to Do Nothing and Become an Absentee collective members.