According to the monitoring of the Beosin EagleEye platform, the DPC token contract was hacked and the loss was about 103,755 US dollars. The Beosin security team analyzed and found that the attacker first used the tokenAirdop function in the DPC token contract to prepare for meeting the conditions for receiving rewards, and then the attacker used USDT to exchange DPC tokens and then added liquidity to obtain LP tokens, and then mortgaged LP tokens in the token in the currency contract. The previous preparations are to meet the conditions for receiving the award. Then the attacker repeatedly calls the claimStakeLp function in the DPC token to claim rewards repeatedly. Because of the "ClaimQuota = ClaimQuota.add(oldClaimQuota[addr]);" in the getClaimQuota function, rewards can be accumulated all the time. Finally, the attacker calls the claimDpcAirdrop function in the DPC contract to extract rewards (DPC tokens) and exchange them for USDT to leave the market. The stolen funds are currently still stored at the attacker's address.