Odaily Planet Daily News Eetu Kuneinen, co-founder of the gold-backed stablecoin project DGC, said that CBDCs are centralized in nature because they will be issued by the government. Although they may be built on the blockchain, government control will bring certain Some dangers. "Let's say they don't like certain political opponents. They can freeze their assets with one click. So what gives us any sense of security that they won't use this? Or if they are a smaller country," Kuneinen said. , will they be pressured by a larger country to do this? We could create a framework where anyone who owns an asset and anyone who has access to certain technology can issue it. So we could have multiple banks issue the same stable Currency supervision.”
Nikita Sachdev, founder of Luna Media Corp, believes that if the government has intended to freeze a person’s digital assets, they already have various means to do this. Furthermore, Sachdev believes that the government’s exploration of using blockchain for CBDC could be a step that could eventually lead to full decentralization and full Web3. She is also not in favor of CBDCs or stablecoins, as recent events such as the TerraUSD (UST) collapse have highlighted that stablecoins can also bring a series of risks to the world.
Jorge Carrasco, managing director of FTI Consulting, said that CBDC and stablecoins may even become interoperable in the future. Carrasco said: “I think they will coexist. And, probably within a few years, we will see a multinational agency that will be responsible for CBDC and interoperability between them and make sure that no government can terminate or do something that affects the interests of the people. ." (Cointelegraph)