According to The Block: Strike, a payments platform constructed on Bitcoin's Lightning Network, has rebuffed online claims suggesting a possible security breach involving leaked private emails. According to the company, it has found no evidence supporting these allegations after conducting an investigation.The company stated in an email: "Our security team has been investigating these claims, and at this time, there’s no evidence that Strike was breached."The allegations emerged a few hours prior to Strike's response, when online investigator ZachXBT highlighted in a Telegram channel that some people claimed to have received suspect emails. One user, @bitcoin_eagle, questioned Strike about a possible leak of customer emails after receiving a scam email sent to an address exclusively used for correspondence with Strike. Several other posts echoed similar concerns.Founded by Jack Mallers in 2020, Strike launched its app in May across dozens of new countries, expanding beyond its original markets in the U.S., Argentina, and El Salvador. The app lets users instantly send and receive bitcoin via the Lightning Network. As of now, these security breach claims remain unconfirmed.