According to CoinDesk, Telegram trading bot Unibot announced it would reimburse any stolen funds after falling victim to a token approval exploit that drained the protocol of over $600,000. The protocol stated, "We experienced a token approval exploit from our new router and have paused our router to contain the issue. Any funds lost due to the bug on our new router will be compensated. Your keys and wallets are safe." The price of the Unibot token has dropped nearly 25% to just over $42, down from its mid-August peak of nearly $220.This incident is the latest exploit in the crypto world, following LastPass users losing $4.4 million worth of crypto last week. Data from Lookonchain revealed that the attacker's wallet now holds just over $630,000 in crypto assets, with the majority being in ether (ETH) followed by USDC. The Unibot protocol, at its peak, generated a significant amount of revenue, attracting the interest of investors.