HSBC Partners with Metaco for Real World Asset Digitisation
HSBC is working with the Ripple-owned, Swiss-based crypto infrastructure firm Metaco to introduce a custody service for digital assets

HSBC is working with the Ripple-owned, Swiss-based crypto infrastructure firm Metaco to introduce a custody service for digital assets
Real estate businesses will be able to automate payments releases, improve operational efficiency, and eventually reduce the turnaraound time of a project.
Will Asia be the next blockchain centre of the world?
The introduction of Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs by HSBC comes at a time when these investment products have been attracting considerable attention in the crypto industry
The UK-based lenders and the Bank of China were questioned by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) last month on why crypto exchanges were not being accepted as clients, according to the report.
Depositors will be able to access their funds through the deal.
Orion was the victim of a reentrancy attack in which an attacker repeatedly withdraws funds from a smart contract, PeckShield said in a Twitter message.
In particular, the bank is hiring a Product Director for tokenization use cases and digital assets, job adverts posted on January 30 indicate.
HSBC Group and IBM have successfully carried out cross-domain and end-to-end digital asset transactions through pilot tests, and can also settle securities and foreign exchange.
Once known as a skeptical institution of crypto, HSBC originally announced its first major move into metaverse in mid-March.