Bitget Swap recently updated its market function and added the "Today's Market" section, which aggregates the rise and fall of currencies across the chain and provides users with a comprehensive reflection of market trends. Users can now obtain the market performance of 20 popular concept sectors and their leading currencies through "Today's Market", and can also jump to view currency K-lines and conduct transactions with one click.
Bitget Wallet (formerly BitKeep Wallet) is a Web3 transaction wallet. Its core function Bitget Swap has supported nearly 30 public chains, aggregating the liquidity of hundreds of DEXs and cross-chain bridges. The Bitget Swap market function displays real-time and intelligent performance of the rise and fall of currencies across the chain, and presents various lists classified by different dimensions. It also automatically excludes risky tokens, which can improve users’ market analysis and decision-making when trading on the chain. Convenience and efficiency.