Aurory, the Solana ecological gaming platform, posted on the X platform that its team discovered abnormal activities in the market a few hours ago. After a quick investigation, it was discovered that an attacker was exploiting a vulnerability in the marketplace's purchase endpoint to increase his AURY balance in SyncSpace. This allowed them to withdraw approximately 600,000 tokens to the Arbitrum network and then sell them.
The team has disabled SyncSpace for maintenance, and assets will not be able to be deposited or withdrawn during the maintenance period. No user funds or NFTs were compromised or at risk. The stolen AURY came from a team wallet that provided withdrawal support for accounts that had not previously deposited AURY.
Since SyncSpace is offline for maintenance, there is currently no risk of further attacks. The team has moved quickly to absorb the selling pressure through market makers and pool rebalancing. SyncSpace was audited several months ago and the reasons why this vulnerability was not discovered will be further investigated. The team will release more details once the fix and investigation are complete. SyncSpace is expected to be back online in the coming days.