Cryptocurrency Markets High-Frequency Volatility Co-Movement
Understanding the co-movement of volatility across different cryptocurrencies at high frequencies is crucial for traders, investors, and researchers.

Understanding the co-movement of volatility across different cryptocurrencies at high frequencies is crucial for traders, investors, and researchers.
The recent spree of regulatory actions in the DeFi ecosystem got positive reactions from the credit rating firm Moody.
The CFTC isn’t buying Eisenberg’s argument that his attack on Mango Markets was a legal act.
CRV's price made a V-shaped recovery while Aave suffered a $1.6M bad debt. The exploiter lost all his collateral worth $38.96M but is he really losing this time?
Rumors of Alameda liquidating its Solana holdings are sending SOL’s price into free-fall; both Solana and Ethereum-based NFT markets are getting hit hard by the news.
The initial offer appeared to have been rejected.
Yet another DeFi exploit happened in the scene, and this time, the loss was over a hundred million dollars!
Mango Markets, a decentralized trading platform on the Solana blockchain, has become "ripe for harvest" when it fell victim to hackers.
Investing in crypto assets has become more popular among Australian baby boomers, according to Australia's largest exchange.
“We launched Cove Markets three years ago to help crypto investors get the most out of their trading experience,” said Cove Markets CEO and co-founder Scott Knudsen.