According to PANews, Polygon has announced that its zkEVM mainnet Beta has resumed operation on the X platform. The emergency committee for the Polygon zkEVM mainnet Beta activated an emergency state, allowing the Polygon zkEVM core team to perform necessary repairs to the system and restore the L1 settlement of the Polygon zkEVM mainnet Beta. Following the completion of this upgrade, the emergency state was lifted, meaning that any further updates to the system will require a 10-day time lock to take effect. The official team will release a detailed follow-up report on the Polygon Foundation forum.
It is important to note that this incident only affected the Polygon zkEVM mainnet Beta and did not impact Polygon PoS, Polygon CDK, or any chains deployed using the Polygon CDK. The issue with the Polygon zkEVM mainnet Beta version was caused by an L1 reorganization resulting in a sequencer problem.