Avraham Eisenberg Found Guilty in $110 Million DeFi Scheme
Avraham Eisenberg is convicted of a $110 million fraud on Mango Markets, manipulating MNGO token prices and exposing DeFi vulnerabilities.

Avraham Eisenberg is convicted of a $110 million fraud on Mango Markets, manipulating MNGO token prices and exposing DeFi vulnerabilities.
Avi Eisenberg found guilty of fraud and market manipulation in $110 million theft from Mango Markets. Verdict highlights need for stricter regulations in decentralized finance to combat fraudulent activities.
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Despite publicly confessing to his actions, Eisenberg has pled not guilty to all charges.
Their trial uses a method similar to how protocols create wrapped Bitcoin and Ether.
Eisenberg's lawyers say that the Mango Labs filing lacks the likelihood of success.
The Solana-based decentralized exchange (DEX) Mango Labs sued Avraham Eisenberg for its “profitable trading strategy.”
The Mango Markets exploiter is back—but this time, things might not be going as planned.
The Sepolia testnet is the next testnet after Ropsten for a merged trial run, as its beacon chain is now live and ready to provide developers with valuable information to get to the real thing.