According to PANews, Telegram Wallet, a custodial wallet bot on Telegram, has announced several updates. These include supporting users to transfer USDT to their Telegram contacts for free and allowing free withdrawals of USDT to external TON wallets until the end of June.
From next week, participants in Wallet Earn can earn an annual interest rate of 50% on their balance. Additionally, starting next week, users will be able to set passwords in their wallets to enhance security. The updates also include support for users to directly send tokens and NFTs to their Telegram contacts.
These updates aim to improve the user experience and provide more financial opportunities for Telegram Wallet users. The introduction of free USDT transfers and withdrawals, as well as the ability to earn interest on balances, are significant steps towards this goal. The addition of enhanced security measures and the ability to send tokens and NFTs directly to contacts further enrich the platform's offerings.