According to Odaily, the ARPA team is set to launch a new global development game called 'Dear'. The game, which features a dark style, is scheduled to go live on Redstone at 19:00 on May 15, Singapore time. 'Dear' aims to explore the boundaries of human nature and complex smart contracts.
Players can interact with life forms in the game through simple operations such as Feed, Abuse, Stay, and Transfer. The form of these life forms will change based on the behavior of global players. 'Dear' is a finite game, meaning that life forms can only exist in a limited number of blocks.
To start the game, players need to enter the Discord channel to receive tokens. The game is a unique blend of interactive gameplay and blockchain technology, offering a new experience for players around the world. The launch of 'Dear' marks another significant step for the ARPA team in the development of innovative gaming experiences.