Telegram founder Pavel Durov responded to Notcoin's previous donation of $6.8 million in NOT tokens. He said: "Notcoin community users have exceeded 500,000. They gave me $6.8 million worth of NOT tokens. Thank you very much. I will hold these tokens until they are worth $680 million. At that time, I will use the money to buy more servers for Telegram." Pavel Durov has previously expressed support for the Notcoin project, saying that Notcoin's story shows the powerful influence of the Telegram/TON ecosystem on application developers. Telegram provides application developers with more freedom than any other platform and provides unparalleled opportunities to use social interactions for virality. In turn, TON provides scale and flexibility for any blockchain project on it. (Beincrypto)
Previously on May 17, Notcoin posted on the X platform that 1,030,383,291.36 NOTs (about 6.8 million US dollars) had been sent as a donation to Telegram founder Pavel Durov and Telegram to thank them for their support.