According to Odaily, the Fantom Foundation recently announced the launch of its Meme Season campaign. This initiative is focused on Opera and the upcoming Sonic chain's primary Meme coins. The Meme Season campaign aims to attract new users and developers, offering them an opportunity to experience Fantom's innovative technology.
The campaign includes a reward pool of 10 million sFTMx tokens, which will be distributed over several rounds. The first round is scheduled to take place from June 1 to June 30, offering a reward pool of 1 million sFTMx tokens. These tokens are liquidity-pledged FTM tokens through Beethoven X.
The Meme Season campaign is a strategic move by the Fantom Foundation to increase user engagement and developer participation. By focusing on Opera and the upcoming Sonic chain, the foundation aims to highlight its innovative technology and attract new users to its platform.