According to Odaily, Pyth Network has joined forces with Morpho and Gauntlet to improve the lending experience on Ethereum and Base. The collaboration aims to provide a more efficient and secure lending protocol by utilizing Pyth's low-latency price data.
Michael Cahill, a core contributor to Pyth Network and the co-founder and CEO of Douro Labs, stated that Pyth Network's low-latency price data provides the most recent market prices for DeFi protocols. This significantly reduces the risk of outdated information that could lead to incorrect pricing and transaction execution.
The collaboration between Pyth Network, Morpho, and Gauntlet is a significant step towards enhancing the lending experience on Ethereum and Base. By leveraging Pyth's low-latency price data, the partnership aims to provide a more efficient and secure lending protocol, thereby reducing the risk of incorrect pricing and transaction execution.