According to PANews, Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested when his private jet landed near Paris a few days ago. Durov, originally from Russia, has nearly a billion active users on his messaging platform. The Russian government has requested his extradition, citing the misuse of Telegram for illegal activities such as terrorist communications and the distribution of child pornography.
Despite these allegations, many view Durov as a hero. He founded VK, Russia's largest social network, at the age of 21 but lost control of the company after refusing to cooperate with the Russian government. This experience led him to create Telegram, designed to avoid collaboration with authoritarian regimes and facilitate communication across borders.
Durov's reputation has been tarnished by the misuse of Telegram, but the platform has also played a crucial role in democratic protests worldwide, including the 2020 Belarus protests, often referred to as the 'Telegram Revolution.' In 2021, Durov became a French citizen, a rare achievement facilitated by President Macron, possibly due to Telegram's role in organizing protests against Russian proxy states.
Recently, the French government has filed 12 charges against Durov, including possession of child pornography. These charges have led to a narrative assuming his guilt. However, Durov has long been an adversary of authoritarian governments, and his current predicament may be influenced by political motives. Russia's extradition request could serve multiple purposes: embarrassing Western enemies, damaging Durov's reputation, and potentially gaining control over Telegram.
The situation underscores the broader attack on Western liberal values. The coming days are crucial as these values face unprecedented challenges. The outcome of Durov's case could have significant implications for freedom of speech and the fight against authoritarianism.