Fans buy tickets just to hear Vitalik Buterin sing out his plan for crypto over the next deca
Ethereum Co-founder Vitalik Buterin was entertaining the crowd by singing some of the cringiest anthems of past crypto projects.

Ethereum Co-founder Vitalik Buterin was entertaining the crowd by singing some of the cringiest anthems of past crypto projects.
The premise for understanding this article is that you already know the basic principles of SNARKs and STARKs. If you are not familiar with them, it is recommended that you read the first few parts of this article to understand the basics.
ETH, interpretation of Vitalik’s latest article Golden Finance, the soul of Ethereum and the essence of the crypto world remain.
Vitalik has joined forces with four co-authors to unveil in a research paper that introduces a technological marvel known as "privacy pools," designed to address one of the most pressing issues in the blockchain sphere.
The new update includes “The Scourge” which would help to solve MEV issues.
What a decade of essays – covering everything from Soulbound tokens to superrational DAOs – says about Ethereum and crypto.
The inventor of Ethereum Vitalik Buterin and his father Dmitry “Dima” Buterin talked about the crypto market, volatility, and speculators. ...
Compared with PoW, PoS is a better blockchain security mechanism.
Compared with PoW, PoS is a better blockchain security mechanism.
The small southeast European nation is beginning to sift through the murky waters of blockchain regulation by granting the Ethereum co-founder citizenship.