Binance Wallet Earn has unveiled a new opportunity for users to win a share of $550,000 in rewards as part of the Berachain Boyco Pre-deposit Campaign. The campaign, running from January 16, 2025, to January 25, 2025 (UTC), is open to participants who deposit specific cryptocurrencies.The campaign is divided into three promotions:Promotion A: Users who deposit a minimum of 0.05 ETH or WETH into StakeStone will be eligible to share in a $300,000 reward pool.Promotion B: A minimum deposit of 0.005 WBTC or pumpBTC into PumpBTC will grant participants a chance to claim a portion of a $200,000 prize pool.Promotion C: Throughout the promotion period, 1,888 eligible participants who deposit over 0.001 BTCB into the Lista x StakeStone Beravault will equally divide a $50,000 reward in LISTA tokens. Winners will be selected based on the Binance Smart Chain Hash Value as of February 7, 2025, 23:59 (UTC), in accordance with the Award Selection Rules.