According to PANews, DEXX recently addressed concerns and questions regarding their compensation process on the X platform. The company clarified that compensation is being distributed in order of amount, from smallest to largest. From February 8 to 14, all users with secure wallets and staked NFTs holding 5000U or less have been compensated. On February 15 and 16, DEXX collected user feedback to address any missing payments, and began compensating users with amounts between 5000U and 8000U on February 16.
DEXX acknowledged that the compensation speed has not met user expectations. They noted receiving numerous messages on Telegram from users claiming they were eligible for compensation but had not received it. Upon investigation, it was found that some users had already been compensated 1-3 days prior, while others had not staked or created secure wallets. Over two days, DEXX received 863 similar inquiries, but only 152 were verified as legitimate, with many duplicate messages slowing down the process.
Regarding users questioning why payments have reached the 5000-10000U range but they have not received compensation, DEXX explained that successful compensation requires two conditions: having a secure wallet and staked NFTs at the time of compensation. Many users did not have secure wallets during the compensation period. Users who have not received compensation should ensure they have a secure wallet and staked NFTs before contacting customer service for registration.
For users who have not yet claimed their NFTs, the claim channel is now closed, and they must manually register with customer service. Their compensation will be processed later.