Foresight News, Changpeng Zhao tweeted that Binance has recently increased USDC withdrawals, "The channel for converting from PAX/BUSD to USDC needs to go through a bank in New York, and the bank is no longer open for a few hours. We expect to resume when the bank opens This is the case. These are 1:1 conversions and no leverage is involved. Therefore, we hope to establish more smooth exchange channels in the future, and at the same time, be free to withdraw any other stablecoins, such as BUSD, USDT, etc..” Binance tweeted , the token exchange involving USDC is in progress, the withdrawal of USDC is suspended, and the withdrawal of USDT and BUSD is open as usual and will not be affected. USDC withdrawals are expected to reopen after the token swap is complete.