Ascend (ASC) is a cryptocurrency that operates on the Ethereum platform. With a current supply of 100,000,000,000 coins and none currently in circulation, Ascend has a unique supply structure. The last known price of Ascend is 0.00000759 USD, which represents a decrease of 20.01% in the last 24 hours.
Trading on one active market, Ascend has seen $19,861.57 traded over the last 24 hours. This indicates some level of trading activity and investor interest, although the volume is relatively low compared to more established cryptocurrencies.
Given that Ascend is an Ethereum-based token, it benefits from the advantages offered by the Ethereum platform. These include smart contract functionality and a large developer community, which can contribute to the growth and adoption of the cryptocurrency.
Ascend's website, located at, provides additional information about the project, its team, and its future plans. It is always important for investors and enthusiasts to conduct thorough research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.
One key aspect to consider when evaluating Ascend is its supply structure and distribution. With all tokens held in reserve and none currently in circulation, the potential impact on price and liquidity should be carefully assessed. Additionally, factors such as the team's roadmap, utility, and market adoption should also be taken into account.