Vitalik and Dragonfly support how MegaETH can make ETH great again
Layer 2, EVM, MegaETH supported by Vitalik and led by Dragonfly How to make ETH great again (MEGA) Golden Finance, Why do we need a MegaETH

Layer 2, EVM, MegaETH supported by Vitalik and led by Dragonfly How to make ETH great again (MEGA) Golden Finance, Why do we need a MegaETH
It has been 585 days (about 20 months) since Bitcoin bottomed in November 2022, which for convenience we will refer to as the start of the current bull run.
Explore the market dynamics of memecoins and NFTs in the current bull run vs. previous bull runs.
This round of bull market: the growth is slow, and it does not show the money-making effect of previous bull markets; the liquidity is poor, and most of the high-market-cap altcoins except BTC have not reached new highs; there is a lack of traffic, and social media attention is much lower than in previous bull markets.
How do you view the POLYX coin in the RWA sector? Are there any airdrops if it is pledged to a third party? Is it necessary to hold on to ETHS?
From the perspective of social media, this bull market is not much different from previous bull markets, and BTC has achieved social media normalization.
BTC, Crypto Market, Is the bull market suitable for swing trading? Golden Finance, None of the coins I hold have increased, is there any hope?
Regarding the upcoming bull market, there are three major differences from the historical bull market. Based on these differences, our trading strategies also need to be adjusted.
Quotes, crypto market, bull market 100-fold coin list - the violent bull market is unimaginable. Golden Finance, you probably know nothing about this bull market
A trading bot platform has announced its new product feature that allows traders to make decisions based on TradingView signals.