Blockchain Capital:为什么领投Worldcoin?
在过去的十年里,我们评估了数千个雄心勃勃且鼓舞人心的加密项目,但 Worldcoin 无疑是最有野心和最可靠的努力之一,其目标是让超过十亿人接触加密货币。

在过去的十年里,我们评估了数千个雄心勃勃且鼓舞人心的加密项目,但 Worldcoin 无疑是最有野心和最可靠的努力之一,其目标是让超过十亿人接触加密货币。
The registration channel is now officially open!
The OKLink, OKG’s blockchain explorer, has supported twenty chains after they launched Aptos blockchain explorer on 18 October 2022.
Zcash has recorded large number of spam transactions, blockchain analysts found.
The study reveals that blockchain technology is well-positioned to take over more than 50% of the entire leasing and sale process across commercial real estate.
Deloitte wants to enable blockchain and digital asset-based services across many areas involving Bitcoin products like banking, rewards programs and others.
Although crypto market's current situation looks very scary, digital assets have continuously expanded their reach since its initiation. Likewise, the ...
Improving customer experience, increasing customer base, and wanting their brand to be seen as "cutting edge" are the biggest reasons for wanting to adopt crypto payments.
Improving customer experience, increasing the customer base and a hope their brand is perceived as “cutting edge” were the biggest reasons given for a desire to adopt crypto payments.