What are the highlights of GameFi in 2024? GameFi track status and security challenges
What is the current development status of the GameFi track? Which projects are worthy of attention? What security challenges will GameFi track face?

What is the current development status of the GameFi track? Which projects are worthy of attention? What security challenges will GameFi track face?
This article explores the rise of GameFi tokens and the exciting possibilities they offer at the intersection of gaming and DeFi.
GameFi projects are complex because they involve NFTs, DeFi, and tokenomics overlapping on top of core gameplay.
Supported by data, this report analyzes the performance of various projects in the GameFi industry in terms of user behavior, on-chain transactions, financing, and currency price fluctuations.
With the awakening of self-awareness of a new generation of netizens, people begin to realize the value of their actions, ...
The new fund aims to support the development of NFTs, games, and DeFi projects on Solana, and help former Terra developers continue to grow after Terra's collapse.
London - Europe is set to become a future hotspot for the Metaverse as HyperNation prepares to launch its latest ...
The narrative logic of GameFi lies in two points: first, the main promotion of the old-age chain games is "player's ownership of in-game assets"; second, "Play2Earn".