Author: Qin Jin, Carbon Chain Value
Recently, a chart from the Federal Reserve on the distribution of wealth between the rich and the poor has caused many people to go viral. The specific content of the chart is that the wealth controlled by the richest 0.1% of people in the United States is nearly four times that of the bottom 50% of poor people in the United States. The richest 0.1% of the former controls nearly US$22 trillion in wealth, while the bottom 50% of the latter controls less than US$6 trillion. The M2 currency issued by the Federal Reserve eventually flows into the hands of the richest 0.1%. The more money is printed, the more it flows out, the wider the gap between the rich and the poor, and the greater the probability of crisis. It caused dissatisfaction and complaints from many people.

So an author named Marty Bent Wrote an article "Fix The Money, Fix The World". In the article, the author speaks directly from his heart. He said we are in a turbulent world. The philosophy of life in a turbulent world is that we should learn to take a step back and think about the nature of the problem? We are bankrupt.
Marty Bent said that this chart should remind us that the biggest problem in the world right now is currency. This icon should also prove to us that the most powerful people in the entire economy will fight tooth and nail to protect a collapsing currency because they benefit so much from the fact that it collapses.
Keep this in mind when turmoil intensifies and the narrative of Bitcoin as a currency begins to form.
The following is the original text of the article for reference.
Author: Marty Bent
"Fix The Money, Fix The World"
This week, this The chart went viral on Twitter. I think this is a great picture to brighten your weekend.
It is easy to get caught up in the daily turmoil that is happening in the world. Lately, our minds have been filled with headlines about illegal immigration, shantytowns and the degradation of private property rights, global wars, cultural clashes, rising prices and central bank decisions around the world. In the midst of all this turmoil, it’s important to take a step back and remind yourself what is the nature of these issues? It's us who are bankrupt.
Currency is the most important tool used by humans to stimulate economic development. Once a currency collapses, the negative effects ripple outward from the roots of the world's engine. The result of these ripple effects is the turmoil we are witnessing today.
Collapsed currencies lead people to store their value in suboptimal instruments like housing. This has led to an abnormal increase in real estate costs and widened the gap between the rich and the poor. Sow the seeds of hatred. When the currency used by people is further devalued, these seeds will sprout and grow into the ugly flowers of anarchic tyranny.
This is manifested in the fact that when people's houses are left unattended for a long time, some people will invade other people's houses by squatting inside. The trend in recent years of favoring squatters over homeowners can be seen as a way for regimes that control money to come to the aid of civilians as they struggle to get by, or as an attempt to push the propertied classes out of the way. toward violence against states unwilling to respect private property rights, or a combination of the two.
A collapsing currency incentivizes governments to allow cheap labor to run rampant across the border, who will take low-wage jobs, thereby keeping a systemically fragile economy afloat while exacerbating and diluting existing unrest. Values embraced by the natives of this country.
In a world that runs on collapsing easy money, excess and decadence allow people to live in an environment divorced from reality, leading them to push narratives that are objectively false. That's why there's a debate about gender issues and a push back on performance-based pay systems.
All this stems from a collapsing currency.
The chart above should remind you that the biggest problem in the world right now is currency. The above chart should also prove to you that the most powerful people in the entire economy will fight tooth and nail to protect a collapsing currency because they benefit hugely from the fact that it collapses.
Keep this in mind when volatility intensifies and the narrative of Bitcoin as a currency begins to form.