BTC ecosystem quarrel: Casey vs. Rocktoshi
In response to the accusations, Rocktoshi said, "I am not a liar."

In response to the accusations, Rocktoshi said, "I am not a liar."
President Biden finds himself in a desperate situation and has resorted to proposing a rent hike cap in a bid to win over voters. However, this last-ditch effort seems to be backfiring, doing more harm than good to his campaign.
The Biden campaign is considering cryptocurrency donations through Coinbase Commerce to engage with the crypto community in an effort to counter Trump’s crypto-friendly stance and attract crypto-savvy voters and donors.
拜登竞选团队考虑通过 Coinbase Commerce 进行加密货币捐赠,与加密社区接触,以对抗特朗普的加密友好立场并吸引精通加密的选民和捐助者。
Trump’s pro-crypto stance boosts his prediction market lead over Biden, despite narrower poll margins.
Larry Fink has become somewhat of a leading global influencer on the Bitcoin market.
The valuations given to some of the tokens on the balance sheet are fiction.
The Financial Times has seen a copy of an FTX balance sheet showing that the bankrupt crypto exchange had only $900mn of assets it could easily sell.
"We are going to become the first city in the world to mine Bitcoin here on site at city hall," said Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker.