川普在美國大選勝利,以榮耀之姿重新入主白宮,對比他之前提出許多加密政見,產業中的大佬是如何看待接下來美國政府應該抓緊的發展機會呢?本文源自 Brian Quintenz,a16z 政策主管 所著文章《Seven things U.S. government agencies can do to help seize the web3 opportunity》,由Foresight News整理、編譯及重新撰稿。

川普在美國大選勝利,以榮耀之姿重新入主白宮,對比他之前提出許多加密政見,產業中的大佬是如何看待接下來美國政府應該抓緊的發展機會呢?本文源自 Brian Quintenz,a16z 政策主管 所著文章《Seven things U.S. government agencies can do to help seize the web3 opportunity》,由Foresight News整理、編譯及重新撰稿。
CZ, Justin Sun, Durov... Every founder of the crypto ecosystem has been swept up in the huge waves of the market, some have called the shots, some have been thrown into jail, some have changed their identities, and some have left their hometowns. The story of capital continues...
字节跳动新加坡办公室在员工午餐后疑似发生集体食物中毒事件,至少有 60 名员工受影响,其中 57 人住院。毒鸡肉供应商疑似云海肴,当局正在调查。
ETC, the full name of which is “Ethereum Classic”, can be translated into Chinese as “Ethereum Classic”. It is an open source blockchain platform that can be used to write decentralized applications (DApp) run and driven by smart contracts.
With a market cap of over $600 billion and a daily trading volume of $13 billion, Memecoin has enormous financial value.
Worldcoin Addresses Privacy Concerns with User Control and Transparency Updates. Introduces 'Unverify' Feature and Age Verification Checks. Commitment to Privacy Preservation with Third-Party Oversight.
Worldcoin reaches 1M users, offers UBI with iris scans. Faces privacy concerns, regulatory scrutiny. WLD token surges amid market rally. OpenAI unveils Sora, plans chip development.
Worldcoin's value soars in Singapore, user base grows despite privacy concerns.
Worldcoin's World ID 2.0 aims to revolutionize online cryptocurrency interactions with a focus on privacy and authentic human engagement. The recent market performance of WLD suggests growing investor confidence and a potential for further upward movement.
Behind the launch of the Worldcoin crypto project lies major concerns and controversy, pre and post debut. Its unconventional iris-scan identity verification method left many questioning the implications for personal privacy.