JinseFinanceAleo is the leading developer platform for building full-private, scalable, and cost effective decentralised applications. In just a few years since it began, Aleo's vision to revolutionise the transaction of blockchain has resonated with many big names, such as Coinbase Ventures, a16, Samsung Next and softbank to support their work. So what makes this company so fascinating, and is this something you should dabble in as well?
XingChi探索 Aleo,这是一个开创性的平台,集成了零知识密码学,以独特的可编程性和隐私性重新定义网络体验。
Sanya总部位于美国的加密货币交易所 Coinbase 将缩减其在日本的大部分业务。
decrypt根据 Coinbase 的说法,合规性和资产安全一直引起其兴趣。
The Crypto Star将您的加密钱包连接到 Coinbase 市场,并在您的钱包中放入 ETH,以便在 Coinbase 上竞标、买卖 NFT。
CointelegraphCoinbase Pro 于 2018 年推出,旨在提供无限交易量,支持超过 250 种加密货币。
CointelegraphCoinbase首席执行官布Brian Armstrong表示,美国SEC不会与该公司会面,他还称华盛顿50%的官员对加密货币的风险感到担忧。
CointelegraphCoinbase 增加了对基于 SOL 和 Solana 的代币的钱包支持,并表示未来也会在区块链上支持NFT和dApp。