North Korean Hackers and the FBI’s $10 Million Bounty: Global Bitcoin Extortion Tied to Kim Jong-un
FBI offers $10M for arrest of North Korean hacker behind major cyberattacks and ransomware schemes.

FBI offers $10M for arrest of North Korean hacker behind major cyberattacks and ransomware schemes.
The North Korean regime has struck again. This time committing major cyber hacks in broad-daylight, swooping off a sum of 230 million dollars from India's biggest crypto platform WazirX. But of course, the North Korean government committed the crime themselves, but hid behind the hacker group Lazarus, who had previously committed many other crimes.
Justin Sun 以事实错误为由,对联合国关于 Tether 滥用的报告提出质疑。Tron 强调致力于道德运营,并建议合作开展全球区块链教育。持续对话应对负责任地使用区块链的挑战。
这篇综合文章探讨了联合国的最新报告,揭示了 USDT 如何成为东南亚秘密银行系统的核心,引起了人们对数字货币在洗钱和有组织犯罪中被滥用的严重关切。
联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室执行主任 Ghada Waly 认为,限制使用加密货币......
事实证明,加密货币捐赠对乌克兰及其人民至关重要,因为自冲突爆发以来,该国已收到超过 1 亿美元的加密货币捐赠。