OpenAI开放满血o1模型API Ripple上线稳定币RLUSD
JinseFinanceElon Musk's AI startup, xAI, has launched a Grok API for its chatbot, allowing users to access its features for a fee, but questions remain about the model's capabilities. Grok aims to provide less restricted responses than competitors and is integrated into the X platform, although it faces scrutiny over data privacy and environmental issues.
AnaisSolana Labs and Google Cloud’s Gameshift API provides game developers with a straightforward way to integrate Web3 services into traditional gaming projects. This collaboration reflects the ongoing effort to merge blockchain technology with mainstream gaming, offering new possibilities for digital asset management while easing the technical challenges for developers.
DanteOKX,隐形基建02期|对话OKX Web3团队:为什么进行API建设? 金色财经,要从更长远的眼光,来看待API建设的意义。
JinseFinanceDWFlabs领投API3 400万美元的消息又引起了市场对于API3增长潜力的讨论。
JinseFinance提及预言机赛道,大家想当然会以chainlink 马首是瞻,但随着新性能公链的崛起,各类新模块轻量化项目的涌现,预言机赛道也开始内卷起来了。
JinseFinance该服务将从 1 月 26 日起面向币安的 API 用户开放。交易所网站和应用程序的用户不会受到影响。
Coindesk首席执行官 Yuriy Sorokin 声称该平台已展开涉及执法的全面调查。
Beincrypto在 3Commas 多次告诉用户他们在广泛的黑客攻击后被“钓鱼”之后,泄密事件发生了。