
Accenture has invested in fintech startup Emtech, aiming to enhance CBDC infrastructure for central banks. The partnership aligns with Accenture’s ongoing efforts to shape the future of digital currencies and modernise global banking systems.
The financial world faces potential upheaval as Saudi Arabia ends its 50-year petrodollar deal with the US. Instead, Saudi Arabia's central bank has joined BIS’s CBDC Project mBridge. As power becomes more equitably distributed globally, is the US facing an imminent economic downfall?
Ethena Labs 的 USDe 稳定币在与 Terra 的动荡历史的比较中面临审查,引发了对风险管理策略的反思。
2 月 16 日,基于以太坊的稳定币 USDe 开发商 Ethena Labs 以 3 亿美元估值完成 1400 万美元战略轮融资.
Bybit与Ethena Labs结成战略联盟,将Ethena的USDe稳定币引入Bybit平台。USDe是一种去中心化的货币解决方案,独立于传统银行系统运行。它利用三角对冲(delta-hedging)的以太坊(ETH)作为全面的抵押支持。
香港金融管理局总裁余永定(Eddie Yue)昨天宣布,他们预计将在未来几个月内推出第二种代币化绿色债券。
BitVM 由 ZeroSync 推出,旨在增强比特币的智能合约,使其更具表现力和能力,而无需升级共识