OKX launches the first Telegram price betting app “OKX Racer”
OKX Racer is an innovative game launched by OKX on the Telegram platform, allowing users to experience the charm of crypto trading in a relaxing and enjoyable betting activity.

OKX Racer is an innovative game launched by OKX on the Telegram platform, allowing users to experience the charm of crypto trading in a relaxing and enjoyable betting activity.
OKX 在土耳其推出 OKX TR,促进 TRY 交易对。与当地银行合作,提供 24/7 全天候支持和先进的虚拟资产功能。
OKX 还将定期公布储备金审计证明。
BlueZilla 创业孵化器宣布推出 LUNCHBOX。
在 29,000 美元上方的上行未能成为持久趋势后,波动性准备好回归。
然而,2018-2019 年重复出现的分形走势可能会给 XRP 的长期上行前景带来麻烦。
WAVES 最近的残酷抛售使其跌破关键支撑位,并面临进一步下行的风险。