
Fuel,Layer 2,主网上线在即 Fuel 再战风云 金色财经,Fuel破局,L2 “战争”升温!
Aleo is the leading developer platform for building full-private, scalable, and cost effective decentralised applications. In just a few years since it began, Aleo's vision to revolutionise the transaction of blockchain has resonated with many big names, such as Coinbase Ventures, a16, Samsung Next and softbank to support their work. So what makes this company so fascinating, and is this something you should dabble in as well?
探索 Aleo,这是一个开创性的平台,集成了零知识密码学,以独特的可编程性和隐私性重新定义网络体验。
在区块链技术领域,Mainnet、Testnet 和 Devnet 等术语经常被使用,但也经常被误解。
以太坊第 2 层网络 Optimism 将项目名称更改为 OP Mainnet。
探索 Polygon 上最有趣的项目,并找到 Polygon 叙事的最佳剧本。
2023 年 2 月 21 日,LayerZero 启动了主网 ETH 和 Goerli 测试网 ETH 之间的桥梁。
以太坊 PoW 公布了其主网的计划。它还发布了有关准备全节点的信息。