OKX launches the first Telegram price betting app “OKX Racer”
OKX Racer is an innovative game launched by OKX on the Telegram platform, allowing users to experience the charm of crypto trading in a relaxing and enjoyable betting activity.

OKX Racer is an innovative game launched by OKX on the Telegram platform, allowing users to experience the charm of crypto trading in a relaxing and enjoyable betting activity.
The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (DFSA) intends to impose a blanket ban on non-custodial Bitcoin wallets in an effort to tighten oversight of crypto platform activities. This move could be a microcosm of the future state of cryptocurrencies in the EU.
OKX 在土耳其推出 OKX TR,促进 TRY 交易对。与当地银行合作,提供 24/7 全天候支持和先进的虚拟资产功能。
佛罗里达州州长罗恩-德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)以没有明确的获胜途径为由,暂停其总统竞选活动。他承诺支持唐纳德-特朗普(Donald Trump),并重申反对中央银行数字货币,强调金融自由问题。
首席执行官山姆-奥特曼(Sam Altman)继续掌舵公司,当务之急是推进研究、加强安全措施和完善以客户为中心的产品。
FTX.US 不再是行业游说团体 Crypto Council for Innovation 的一部分。