Catizen,Telegram,Gamefi,谈谈为什么投资catizen以及tg投资悖论下catizen的稀缺性 金色财经,为什么在TG生态下的今天持续看好Catizen。

Catizen,Telegram,Gamefi,谈谈为什么投资catizen以及tg投资悖论下catizen的稀缺性 金色财经,为什么在TG生态下的今天持续看好Catizen。
Interpol has issued red notices for Wong Ching-kit and his accomplice, Mok Tsun-ting, on charges of fraud, theft, and money laundering.
Catizen is a groundbreaking web3 social entertainment platform on Telegram, aiming to create a decentralized application that integrates mini-games, short dramas, and e-commerce. With a recent investment from Binance Labs in its publisher Pluto Studio, Catizen is poised to make waves in the gaming and blockchain communities.
Catizen has rapidly grown to 22.5 million players since its beta launch in March 2024. It integrates GameFi, AI, and metaverse elements, offering Play2Airdrop and a unique SDK for developers.
截至2024年6月4日,Catizen已经吸引了接近 0.13亿的玩家,日活用户接近190万,链上用户达到80.2万,链上交易量超过 955 万,成为 Web3.0 生态游戏用户增长最快的项目之一。
著名的加密货币和科技投资者Tim Draper认为,女性的零售购买力,再加上商店对比特币的接受程度不断提高,可能会将比特币推向25万美元以上的新高。
著名的加密货币和科技投资人 Tim Draper 认为,女性的零售购买力,再加上商家对比特币的接受程度,可能会使该资产升至 25 万美元以上的新高。