Binance launches its first altcoin for airdrop program: Banana Gun (BANANA), which soared after the news was announced!
Binance has initiated its airdrop programme with the listing of Banana Gun (BANANA), which will start trading on 20 July.

Binance has initiated its airdrop programme with the listing of Banana Gun (BANANA), which will start trading on 20 July.
部分数据表现呈过山车走势,但Banan Gun总交易量仍位居Bot赛道第二名
Celsius 的用户,一个失败的加密货币借贷平台,在今天的分发活动之后可能仍会收到他们的 Flare 代币。
查看指南可能有资格获得 Scroll 的空投。
随着最近的 Aptos 空投,在不久的将来会有更多免费代币的机会。
互联网城,迪拜,2022 年 7 月 15 日——全球数字资产交易平台 LBank Exchange 将上线 Banana Index (BANDEX) ...
空投猎手蜂拥至MetaMask Swap和Polygon网络,试图获得流行的加密货币钱包供应商可能的代币分配资格。