Xi Jinping: BRICS Aims to Save the Global Economy
BRICS seeks to reshape global trade by reducing reliance on the US dollar, developing new payment systems, and expanding its membership to include countries like Egypt, UAE, and Malaysia.
ZeZhengBRICS seeks to reshape global trade by reducing reliance on the US dollar, developing new payment systems, and expanding its membership to include countries like Egypt, UAE, and Malaysia.
ZeZhengFollowing the Saudi Arabia’s exit from the petrodollar deal, one would wonder what would propel Saudi Arabia to exit this deal after such a long time. Could it be a coincidence that this exit also happen to clash with Saudi Arabia’s new membership with BRICS. What then would this mean for the future of the US dollar?
Miyuki俄罗斯计划将金砖国家扩大到 40 个国家,这是对西方经济主导地位的挑战,预示着全球力量态势将发生重大转变。
Edmund金砖国家正在引领一场战略性的 "去美元化 "运动,挑战美元在全球贸易中长期占据的主导地位,标志着传统金融秩序的转型。
Hui Xin金砖国家利用数字元加速去美元化,影响力不断扩大。
Hui Xin据报道,被称为金砖国家的国家经济联盟正准备推出新的...