Solana's Phantom Wallet Update Glitch Cause Significant Losses For iOS users
Phantom users who were on the iOS system reported that their Phantom account has been totally wiped out after they downloaded the latest Phantom update.
XingChiPhantom users who were on the iOS system reported that their Phantom account has been totally wiped out after they downloaded the latest Phantom update.
XingChiPhantom Wallet faced another "Uptime Incident," heightening concerns about Solana's network reliability. The services went offline just six minutes after the GRASS token airdrop claim began, limiting user access and recalling past outages.
Kikyo索拉纳币价值的上升导致针对 SOL 和 memecoin 持有者的钱包盗窃活动增加,损失达数十万,人们呼吁加强安全措施。
Brian其 iOS 和 Chrome 扩展钱包计划于 2023 年 11 月 1 日从市场上下架,但客户在 10 月 1 日之前仍然可以访问他们的钱包。
Coinlive据福布斯报道,Wintermute 在 2022 年前九个月的收入为 2.25 亿美元。
Others根据 Coinbase 推文的详细信息,iOS 用户将无法再从 iOS 设备上的钱包发送 NFT。
OthersTrust Wallet 是最著名的去中心化钱包之一,它增加了对 Solana 去中心化应用程序 (dApps) 的支持。
OthersWeb3 钱包提供商 Slope 已与最近基于 Solana 的钱包的黑客攻击有关。 正在其位于欧盟的、完全合规的加密货币托管钱包、交易和支付平台中启动下一阶段,该平台将……
BitcoinistCoinbase 增加了对基于 SOL 和 Solana 的代币的钱包支持,并表示未来也会在区块链上支持NFT和dApp。