Elon Musk’s X-Files: A Court-Ordered Revelation Unmasks Binance as one of the Hidden Stakeholders of X
A federal judge in California has ordered Musk to reveal the list of stakeholders behind X as part of a lawsuit brought by former employees.

A federal judge in California has ordered Musk to reveal the list of stakeholders behind X as part of a lawsuit brought by former employees.
In recent years, the newly reigned e-commerce giants, Pinduoduo and Temu, found by Huang Zheng have taken the world by storm, establishing itself as a worthy opponent of e-commerce giants such as Amazon, Shein and Taobao. What then is the business model of this somewhat secretive company? What could they be hiding behind closed doors that they are too afraid we might know, and do they have to keep these secrets hidden to preserve its revolutionary success.
前 FTX 首席执行官山姆-班克曼-弗里德(Sam Bankman-Fried)通过交易鲭鱼("macks")度过了监狱生活,展现了他的适应能力,并就法律挑战下的非传统监狱商业提供了见解。
Dapper Labs 首席执行官 Roham Gharegozlou 周四在推特上表示,该公司已与 51 名全职员工和承包商分道扬镳,但坚称公司资本充足。 此前,公司曾于今年 2 月和去年 11 月进行过裁员。
常春藤盟校商学院将收取 4,500 美元的为期六周的课程费用,包括超过 50 场讲座,包括客座演讲,每周需要 8-10 小时的学习时间。
在推出新的算法稳定币 USN 后,NEAR 的价格可能会扩大涨幅。